Monday 24 April 2017

MUSIC MAGAZINE: Artist Interview

How did it all start?
It all started when I began my a-levels, the stress of school started to gradually pile on so then I had to find a way of releasing it. I always had a passion for music however I never invested time or effort into it. I then decided to use music as a way of helping me cope with the stress. My friends and I posted a cover of a song on YouTube as a joke, at first it was just another one of those unnoticed videos floating around. I had trouble expressing and communicating my feelings but then I realised that music is my voice. Then steadily the views started to increase, comments and likes increased as well as requests for more covers and it lit up from there!

How important are your fans for you?
My fans are my family. My family is everything to me, without them I would not be where I am today. I’d really like to meet them all one day but I’ll settle on the ones that cross my path in the meantime.

Writer's block can be a real issue, has it affected you?

At first it was an issue for me, I knew I wanted to write songs but I didn’t know how. I wanted my songs to have a message and be relatable for my fans. I didn’t want it to be too cheesy or the same style that has already been repeated. So I decided to write about my personal life or something I’ve seen that’s common between people.

What artists inspire you?
I look up to many artists, I respect all the artists out there in the music industry because it is not easy to get to the place that they’re at. Some of the artists I look up to are Rihanna, Daya, Hailee Steinfeld and Sia. 

What are your future plans for your music career?
I never really intended to enter the music industry so I never really had a plan, I kind of just went with the ‘flow’. The only thing I knew for sure was that I enjoyed writing and performing songs. To be quite honest I’d have never thought that I would be releasing an album so soon and getting support from those close to me and those who have helped me achieve 

Would you have done anything differently, if so how?
I wouldn’t have done anything differently as the actions and things I have done led me to the place that i’m at right now. However i’d like to tell anyone that’s reading this to not stress about the small things, and things that worry you now won’t even matter in a couple of years time. 

What helps rejuvenate your creativity?
Staying creative is a hard thing to do, especially when you’re already struggling with what to write. I think that your attitude to what you do has a big impact on the outcome. Doing some sort of exercise usually helps me freshen up, however actually having to get up and motivate myself to do exercise is a whole new story.   

Who would you like to collab with in the future?
In the future, if I got the chance to, I would like to collab with artists that have a different style as well as the same style of music to me. I want to collab with Cashmere Cat, Daya, The Chainsmokers and The Weeknd. I think mixing different styles of music would be a cool idea. 

Tell us more about your style?
My style is a hard a question because to be honest I’m a mixture of all the styles, it really just depends on my mood and where I’m going. I think being comfortable is key however dressing it up a bit doesn’t hurt anyone. 

What are you working on right now?
I don’t want to give too much away but I’m writing an album which is soon going to be released. Just keep an eye out on my social media networks. 

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